Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 4

1. What academic skills could you use on the job?
-Communication: The way I communicate to others is something I learn at school and in a world outside of my own home. Without communication, my ideas wouldn't get across and if I didn't speak up I wouldn't get to have input or do what I want instead of doing just what I'm told. I did that today when I proposed the idea for skins involving TWLOHA and YRSP organizations.
2. What forms of collaboration could you use in a project?
-Going outside of my comfort zone to bring in potentially long-lasting and good products: In school, oftentimes I had to interview someone I'd never met before or go places to get materials for projects, like the Media Saves the Beach project. There, I conducted interviews and went to the beach and rivers often to take photos and other things involved in my final product, and I usually try to leave it to others but that time I did it myself. I can do this at my internship too, and I actually did it a bit today. I proposed some skin ideas and talked to someone from the Licensing department about collaborating and supporting the ideas.
3. What technical skills can you use at your internship?
-Photoshop: I already have a lot of experience in Photoshop (see previous posts).
4. What new things can you learn while working at your site?
-Adobe Suite: There are a lot of things I know about Photoshop, but I'm a beginner in Illustrator and I haven't even used Bridge before. I'm starting to get used to it and learn more about it as I go along.
-Design: I'm a beginner at design, so I can learn a little bit by watching others around me and practicing with some of the daily productions.
-Communication: I'm not very good at communicating, I find myself to be really quiet, and I'm noticing it a lot during internship. When John or Michael talk to me, I listen carefully, but I don't really respond other than small "yes" or "no" answers, and sometimes I just nod. But as I watch and listen to my surroundings while I work, I see that my mentor and his coworkers are bouncing ideas off each other and talking to each other to confirm this or that project, and they even communicate with people form other departments often when they walk in and out. I can't even imagine myself doing that, but maybe I can later on during this experience.
5. How can you exhibit, showcase or otherwise share your work?
I can post my designs and concepts to my school digital portfolio, refer my friends to my work, and I can link people to my work through the power of the internet and social networking sites. Getting critiques from my friends, coworkers, and teachers, as well as strangers and experts, will help me know what I should and shouldn't do, and when I have a final product I hope it will meet their expectations.
6. How can your work or your skills & abilities help your company or organization?
I have a creative mind and I've been thinking about designs for a while now, and I hope my skills in Photoshop will help these designs come to life. The whole design department is about not only completing dailies, but also creating new designs for customers to choose from, so I hope I can help with that. Also, I know a lot of people of this year have iPhones and other gadgets that can be skinned easily. The previous generation didn't have as many varieties of things that could have decorations, but this generation is full of them. They're the ones who would most likely be buying from SkinIt, and since I'm part of this group, I think I might know what they want. It might help to be a high school student/intern designing for other high school students.

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